Sunday, 2 September 2007

Andrew Keen elitist.

Andrew Keen look disappointed the way the blogosphere evolve, see on his blog under the title 'The devil wears Hermes and is a blogger' and in reference on his book . We like or not what he write about the internet, but for me the overuse of video linked to Youtube by more and more bloggers is not a good thing . I started to dumped blogs using this 'video link' too much with nothing else as contents. It's very annoying.

Saturday, 1 September 2007


netvibes blog announce today they introduce a new version for iphone and we can access pages from any mobile phone.

Eye password.

ars technica explain that fingerprint scanners are not very secure. Soon it will be possible to enter passwords or ATM PIN just by looking at a virtual keyboard.

Google dominance

In the Economist : Who's afraid of Google.
We always have to be afraid of any companies
in dominant position, nothing new, but do we
have an alternative?